HEALTH RISK FROM SOME PESTICIDES ( Pesticides which is pet friendly - and safe for kids )

As we all know to get rid of stubborn and filthy pests when we hire an exterminator they use highly chemical concentrated products which can cause serious health issues.
That's why your exterminator always tells you to make some distance or to leave the house open for some time after the pest control so the pests can move out and until the effects of chemicals minimize.
If you come in direct contact with pesticides after the pest control services these are the health consequences you might have to experience.
Q.1 What will happen if you inhale pesticides after pest control?
Respiratory exposure to pesticides can be hazardous. When the technicians spray the pesticides they get absorbed by the air particles, if you inhale those air particles they will get absorbed by your lungs and can cause serious damage to the nose, lung tissues, and throat.
Q.2 Is pest control harmful to humans?
See, we call an exterminator to get rid of the pest who are spreading diseases. It's just, that you just have to take proper precautions for a few hours after the pest control service has been done. Let the pesticides do their work. If you follow the rules given by your exterminator pest control is not at all harmful.
Q.3 In case I came in direct contact with pesticides what should I do?
You should immediately wash the area which came in contact with the chemical. And if you experience any kind of itching or burning sensation you should immediately see a doctor because closure to pesticides can lead to skin cancer, birth defects, reproductive harm, neurological and developmental toxicity, etc.
But then there are also companies in the market which provide Herbal Pest Control Services which are harmless to you, your pets, and your kids. Contact us for 100% Herbal Pest Control Services in Mumbai. We use products that are less harmful in comparison to other chemicals.